Also, on May 25th, we have our Local Annual General Meeting. It will again be held at the Quality Hotel on Ontario St. in St. Catharines, starting around 4:30. We'll be providing you with dinner, and since we've had such a busy year, there's a ton of stuff to talk about. As always, we'll try to keep it interesting. Last year we had about 100 people there, let's see if we can match that or do even better!
Notice of proposed Local constitutional amendment:
Our current Article 12.1 reads as follows: Resolutions to the Federation's annual meeting shall be passed at a Local Executive meeting prior to the date required by the Federation.
Resolution to our Local AGM:
That Article 12.1 be amended to read: "12.1 Resolutions to the Federation's annual meeting shall be passed at a Local general meeting prior to the date required by the Federation."
Rationale: This resolution is just housekeeping to make our Constitution accurately reflect the procedures required. We've been following proper procedure already, this just fixes the constitution so that it doesn't mislead anyone in the future. Essentially we're crossing the t's and dottings the i's. ;-)