ETFO MOU Summary and Online Voting

Update: ETFO members voted 91% in favour of accepting the MOU.  The MOU will now become part of our collective agreement, and override and improve the terms imposed by Bill 115.

ETFO has reached a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ontario government.  Complete details are on

All ETFO members need to vote online to approve this MOU.  The voting website is and you will need your ETFO ID number.  Voting is now open, and ends Sunday June 23rd at 6:00pm.

If you can't find your ETFO ID number, call the help desk at 1-877-869-8233.

Items of Note in the MOU for Occasional Teachers:
  • Occasional teachers will benefit along with everyone else from the 2% salary restoration that takes effect Sept 1st, 2014.
  • No changes to Reg. 274/12 that apply to ETFO members without the agreement of ETFO and the school boards.
  • Committee of ETFO, school boards, and Ministry to review Reg. 274/12 Hiring Practices with a view to establishing hiring practices and implementation procedures agreeable to the parties and/or to establish best practices for occasional teacher allocation and development.
  • Task force to consider the establishment of a Section 21 Committee for education sector stakeholders under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.  This would be a big step forward for all teachers.
  • A period of local bargaining re-opens, to be completed by August 29, 2013.  However, any changes must be by mutual agreements, as there will be no strikes or lockouts.
  • Reduction in the number of unpaid days that were imposed upon teachers.
  • A number of provisions such as the Voluntary Unpaid Leave Program, may result in additional work for occasional teachers.
Overall, it appears to be a good deal, certainly better than we could have expected given the dialogue coming from the government this past Fall.