The 2014 Local AGM will be held on May 27th at Club Capri. Our guest speaker will be ETFO Vice-President James McCormack, who will be speaking about Reg 274 and Bill 122. We also have a number of constitutional amendments proposed, and they are published for your review here:
Proposed Constitutional Amendments
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Time: 4:30-7:30pm
Location: Club Capri, 36 Cleveland St, Thorold
Free meal, updates from the President, budget year-to-date status, guest speakers.
And of course, door prizes! (Including a year-end Grand Prize!)
Please RSVP to (also indicate dietary restrictions and if you've reached a career milestone [5, 10, 15, 20 years or have begun collecting OTPP])
Local AGM Flyer
Why should you attend?
- To make sure the people who speak for you get to hear your concerns.
- To get correct answers to questions, rather than the dubious answers provided by the grapevine.
- To understand the issues so we can work together to make a difference.
- To become involved, a little or a lot. Changes are happening that will affect you and your career. It's in your best interest, personally and professionally, to know what's going on.
- It's your union. We're a democratic, member-driven organization. Your opinion matters.